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Crisis Services: 

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis go to your nearest emergency room or dial 911.

If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal ideation text 988.



These are some of my most recommended resources. Enjoy!


 The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown

 The Three Components of Self Compassion, Kristin Neff

 Wheel of Awareness, Daniel Siegle

The Secondary Trauma Resiliency Training, Vital Hearts


Attachment and Relationships
Brief overview of adult attachment theory research, Dr. R. Chris Fraley, University of Illinois
Online Attachment Assessment, Dr. R. Chris Fraley, University of Illinois
Attachment Style self-assessment, Dr. Diane Poole-Heller
The Power of Attachment, Heller (2019).


Overcoming Adversity and Building Emotional Intelligence

The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk

Polyvagal Theory, Stephen Porges

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, Gibson (2015).


Child Mental Health, for parents and educators

The Whole Brain Child, Daniel Siegel

Good Inside, Dr. Becky Kennedy

Child Mind Institute

Early Childhood Development, Zero to Three 

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network



What is EMDR?, EMDR International Association


Collaborative Divorce 

Iowa Collaborative Divorce 

International Academy of Collaborative Professionals

Second Saturday Divorce Workshops - In person workshop for those considering divorce


You may have seen me...

KCCI - Seasonal Affective Disorder


Des Moines Parent contributor:

New School Year Transition

Taming Tantrums

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